In partnership with Growing Hope Globally
Click Here to read our 2021 Annual report
Click here to read our 2020 Annual Report
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” ~ Matthew 25:40
World Hunger
Did You Know?
·1 in 9 of the global population (11%) suffer from hunger or malnutrition.
· 45% of child deaths globally under the age of 5 is hunger or malnutrition.
· Areas of most hunger and malnutrition are South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Central and South America.
· 75% of the world’s poorest people live in rural areas and depend on agriculture and related activities for their livelihood.
· 50% of hungry people are farming families.
It all started when…
Crops for Hunger Growing Project, a ministry of Deep Run East Mennonite Church, partnered with Growing Hope Globally to implement an agricultural growing project on the church’s 40 acres of tillable land as a means of sharing our abundant crops with people less fortunate.
For the last 20 years, Growing Hope Globally has supported programs around the world to provide education for sustainable agriculture for their specific regions and provide resources to implement the programs.
The Deep Run East church and community members have been planting soybeans to harvest since 2020 and sell with the proceeds going to a Growing Hope Globally-sponsored program in Honduras ‘Orocuina and Liure’ which is being implemented by a Mennonite Central Committee team. This ministry will help people around the world that are hungry and don’t have the security of food like we do multiple times each day.
How You Can Help
The Crops for Hunger ministry is possible only because of the generous donations of money, time, farming equipment and materials from our community. We would greatly appreciate your continued support to meet our goal of raising crops to fund Growing Hope Globally’s many sustainable agricultural projects – and improve the food security for as many hungry people as possible.
Financial Donation Support
Please make checks payable to “Deep Run Mennonite Church East” and be sure to include ‘Crops for Hunger’ in the memo line. Please mail to: Deep Run Mennonite Church East, 350 Kellers Church Rd, Perkasie, PA 18944.
Please be sure to include your address and email to receive our end of harvest report, which is to keep you informed about our growing project.
2021 Harvest Pictures
The Crops for Hunger growing project for 2021 is underway. Lime was applied to the fields a couple weeks ago, fertilizer was applied on Wednesday, disking was completed Thursday and soybeans were planted on Friday May 14. Thanks to Phil Nyce, Mark Schmidt, Wes Schmidt and Nate Wilson for their work in the planting. Pray for good growing conditions for our crop and for all farmers that a bountiful crop can be harvested. Pray for the work of the Growing Hope Globally agriculture programs and the persons training farmers and distributing resources in the effort to relieve hunger around the world. Remember our Mission Commission as they begin discerning which program(s) to support with the proceeds of our anticipated harvest.